Watch as your blog, if like magic? grows automatically with highly targeted questions & answers for your niche? 100% Guaranteed!
Content is King, you?ve heard that before right?
It?s true, content is what drives traffic to your site and without it your site is like a just ghost town? lifeless and completely DEAD. And if you?re trying to sell or promote products, you guessed it. ZERO profits!
Unique content is by far the best, but writing it yourself takes time. And that?s the biggest downside, zapping your time, especially if you have multiple niche sites. Keeping a site fresh requires contant attention with new content. Leaving it even a short preriod of time could have a bad effect, resulting in less traffic?
Yahoo Answers is a plug in for your blog that auto drips your site with auto
content from Yahoo Answers. Set it and forget it...gradually rise up the search engines.
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