- Yes, You Can Unleash The "Success Mindset" And Create The Life You Have Always Dreamed Of Having, No Matter What It Is, NOW!
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life! will walk you through the steps to real answers and teach you to start asking the right questions. By learning how the mind works, we understand how to break the cycles that keep us on the outside looking in, instead of where we truly wish to be. |
The understanding found in this book will open your mind and your eyes to a world which has always been there; you just didn't know the questions to expose it to you.
Whether we know it or not, our energies are focused and those energies are working in our lives, for better or worse. Like electricity, our own energies do not decide they will work in one area, and not another. Electricity doesn't stop working because the toaster is bad or the stereo is on a negative channel. Electricity flows through the circuit until it is complete. Our energies act in exactly the same way. Change Your Mind, Change Your Life! expands this simple life truth, and shows you how to change your circuit path so the things you want in your life receive the energy, rather than sending it to the things that are strapping you down.
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